File 8

Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.all_ssreflect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.ZArith.

Inductive Rstar {T : Type} (P : T -> T -> Prop) : T -> T -> Prop :=
| RRefl : forall a, Rstar P a a
| RStep : forall a b c, P a b -> Rstar P b c -> Rstar P a c

Hint Constructors Rstar.

Lemma RTrans {T : Type} {P : T -> T -> Prop} {a b c : T} : Rstar P a b -> Rstar P b c -> Rstar P a c.
  elim; eauto.

Definition ident := string.

Inductive aexp : Type :=
  | CONST (n: Z)
  | VAR (x: ident)
  | PLUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | MINUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp). Hint Constructors aexp.

Definition store : Type := ident -> Z.

Fixpoint aeval (s: store) (a: aexp) : Z :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => n
  | VAR x => s x
  | PLUS a1 a2 => aeval s a1 + aeval s a2
  | MINUS a1 a2 => aeval s a1 - aeval s a2

Fixpoint free_in_aexp (x: ident) (a: aexp) : Prop :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => False
  | VAR y => y = x
  | PLUS a1 a2 | MINUS a1 a2 => free_in_aexp x a1 \/ free_in_aexp x a2

Theorem aeval_free:
  forall s1 s2 a,
  (forall x, free_in_aexp x a -> s1 x = s2 x) ->
  aeval s1 a = aeval s2 a.

Inductive bexp : Type :=
  | TRUE
  | EQUAL (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | LESSEQUAL (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | NOT (b1: bexp)
  | AND (b1: bexp) (b2: bexp). Hint Constructors bexp.

Fixpoint beval (s: store) (b: bexp) : bool :=
  match b with
  | TRUE => true
  | FALSE => false
  | EQUAL a1 a2 => (aeval s a1 =? aeval s a2)%Z
  | LESSEQUAL a1 a2 => (aeval s a1 <=? aeval s a2)%Z
  | NOT b1 => negb (beval s b1)
  | AND b1 b2 => beval s b1 && beval s b2

Definition NOTEQUAL (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := NOT (EQUAL a1 a2).

Definition GREATEREQUAL (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := LESSEQUAL a2 a1.

Definition GREATER (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := NOT (LESSEQUAL a1 a2).

Definition LESS (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := GREATER a2 a1.

Definition OR (b1 b2: bexp) : bexp := NOT (AND (NOT b1) (NOT b2)).

Inductive com: Type :=
  | SKIP
  | ASSIGN (x: ident) (a: aexp)
  | SEQ (c1: com) (c2: com)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (c2: com)
  | WHILE (b: bexp) (c1: com). Hint Constructors com.

Infix ";;" := SEQ (at level 80, right associativity).

Definition update (x: ident) (v: Z) (s: store) : store :=
  fun y => if string_dec x y then v else s y.

Fail Fixpoint cexec (s: store) (c: com) : store :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => s
  | ASSIGN x a => update x (aeval s a) s
  | SEQ c1 c2 => let s' := cexec s c1 in cexec s' c2
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => if beval s b then cexec s c1 else cexec s c2
  | WHILE b c1 =>
      if beval s b
      then (let s' := cexec s c1 in cexec s' (WHILE b c1))
      else s

Inductive cexec: store -> com -> store -> Prop :=
  | cexec_skip: forall s,
      cexec s SKIP s
  | cexec_assign: forall s x a,
      cexec s (ASSIGN x a) (update x (aeval s a) s)
  | cexec_seq: forall c1 c2 s s' s'',
      cexec s c1 s' -> cexec s' c2 s'' ->
      cexec s (SEQ c1 c2) s''
  | cexec_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 s s',
      cexec s (if beval s b then c1 else c2) s' ->
      cexec s (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2) s'
  | cexec_while_done: forall b c s,
      beval s b = false ->
      cexec s (WHILE b c) s
  | cexec_while_loop: forall b c s s' s'',
      beval s b = true -> cexec s c s' -> cexec s' (WHILE b c) s'' ->
      cexec s (WHILE b c) s''.
Hint Constructors cexec.

Fixpoint cexec_bounded (fuel: nat) (s: store) (c: com) : option store :=
  match fuel with
  | O => None
  | S fuel' =>
      match c with
      | SKIP => Some s
      | ASSIGN x a => Some (update x (aeval s a) s)
      | SEQ c1 c2 =>
          match cexec_bounded fuel' s c1 with
          | None => None
          | Some s' => cexec_bounded fuel' s' c2
      | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 =>
          if beval s b then cexec_bounded fuel' s c1 else cexec_bounded fuel' s c2
      | WHILE b c1 =>
          if beval s b then
            match cexec_bounded fuel' s c1 with
            | None => None
            | Some s' => cexec_bounded fuel' s' (WHILE b c1)
          else Some s

Ltac invert H := inversion H; subst; eauto.

Inductive red: com * store -> com * store -> Prop :=
  | red_assign: forall x a s,
      red (ASSIGN x a, s) (SKIP, update x (aeval s a) s)
  | red_seq_done: forall c s,
      red (SEQ SKIP c, s) (c, s)
  | red_seq_step: forall c1 c s1 c2 s2,
      red (c1, s1) (c2, s2) ->
      red (SEQ c1 c, s1) (SEQ c2 c, s2)
  | red_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 s,
      red (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, s) ((if beval s b then c1 else c2), s)
  | red_while_done: forall b c s,
      beval s b = false ->
      red (WHILE b c, s) (SKIP, s)
  | red_while_loop: forall b c s,
      beval s b = true ->
      red (WHILE b c, s) (SEQ c (WHILE b c), s).
Hint Constructors red.

Tactic Notation "invert" := let x := fresh in move=> x; invert x.

Definition irred {A : Type} (R : A -> A -> Prop) (a : A) := forall b, ~(R a b).

Inductive instr : Type :=
  | Iconst (n: Z)
  | Ivar (x: ident)
  | Isetvar (x: ident)
  | Iadd
  | Iopp
  | Ibranch (d: Z)
  | Ibeq (d1: Z) (d0: Z)
  | Ible (d1: Z) (d0: Z)
  | Ihalt.
Definition code := seq instr.

Definition codelen (c: code) : Z := Z.of_nat (size c).

Definition stack : Type := seq Z.

Definition config : Type := (Z * stack * store)%type.

Fixpoint instr_at (C: code) (pc: Z) : option instr :=
  match C with
  | nil => None
  | i :: C' => if pc =? 0 then Some i else instr_at C' (pc - 1)
  end % Z.

Open Scope Z.

Inductive transition (C: code): config -> config -> Prop :=
  | trans_const: forall pc stk s n,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Iconst n) ->
      transition C (pc , stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, n :: stk, s)
  | trans_var: forall pc stk s x,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ivar x) ->
      transition C (pc , stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, s x :: stk, s)
  | trans_setvar: forall pc stk s x n,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Isetvar x) ->
      transition C (pc , n :: stk, s)
                   (pc + 1, stk , update x n s)
  | trans_add: forall pc stk s n1 n2,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Iadd) ->
      transition C (pc , n2 :: n1 :: stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, (n1 + n2) :: stk, s)
  | trans_opp: forall pc stk s n,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Iopp) ->
      transition C (pc , n :: stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, (- n) :: stk, s)
  | trans_branch: forall pc stk s d pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ibranch d) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + d ->
      transition C (pc , stk, s)
                   (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_beq: forall pc stk s d1 d0 n1 n2 pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ibeq d1 d0) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + (if n1 =? n2 then d1 else d0) ->
      transition C (pc , n2 :: n1 :: stk, s)
                   (pc', stk , s)
  | trans_ble: forall pc stk s d1 d0 n1 n2 pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ible d1 d0) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + (if n1 <=? n2 then d1 else d0) ->
      transition C (pc , n2 :: n1 :: stk, s)
                 (pc', stk , s).

Definition transitions (C: code): config -> config -> Prop :=
  Rstar (transition C).

Definition machine_terminates (C: code) (s_init: store) (s_final: store) : Prop :=
  exists pc, transitions C (0, nil, s_init) (pc, nil, s_final)
        /\ instr_at C pc = Some Ihalt.

Inductive machine_result : Type :=
  | Timeout
  | Stuck
  | Terminates (s: store).
Fixpoint mach_interp (C: code) (fuel: nat)
                     (pc: Z) (stk: stack) (s: store) : machine_result :=
  match fuel with
  | O => Timeout
  | S fuel' =>
      match instr_at C pc, stk with
      | Some Ihalt, nil => Terminates s
      | Some (Iconst n), stk => mach_interp C fuel' (pc + 1) (n :: stk) s
      | _, _ => Stuck

Fixpoint compile_aexp (a: aexp) : code :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => Iconst n :: nil
  | VAR x => Ivar x :: nil
  | PLUS a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Iadd :: nil
  | MINUS a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Iopp :: Iadd :: nil

Fixpoint compile_bexp (b: bexp) (d1: Z) (d0: Z) : code :=
  match b with
  | TRUE => if d1 =? 0 then nil else Ibranch d1 :: nil
  | FALSE => if d0 =? 0 then nil else Ibranch d0 :: nil
  | EQUAL a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Ibeq d1 d0 :: nil
  | LESSEQUAL a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Ible d1 d0 :: nil
  | NOT b1 => compile_bexp b1 d0 d1
  | AND b1 b2 =>
      let code2 := compile_bexp b2 d1 d0 in
      let code1 := compile_bexp b1 0 (codelen code2 + d0) in
      code1 ++ code2

Fixpoint compile_com (c: com) : code :=
  match c with
  | SKIP =>
  | ASSIGN x a =>
      compile_aexp a ++ Isetvar x :: nil
  | SEQ c1 c2 =>
      compile_com c1 ++ compile_com c2
  | IFTHENELSE b ifso ifnot =>
      let code_ifso := compile_com ifso in
      let code_ifnot := compile_com ifnot in
      compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code_ifso + 1)
      ++ code_ifso
      ++ Ibranch (codelen code_ifnot)
      :: code_ifnot
  | WHILE b body =>
      let code_body := compile_com body in
      let code_test := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code_body + 1) in
      ++ code_body
      ++ Ibranch (- (codelen code_test + codelen code_body + 1)) :: nil

Inductive code_at: code -> Z -> code -> Prop :=
  | code_at_intro: forall C1 C2 C3 pc,
      pc = codelen C1 ->
      code_at (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3) pc C2.

Exercise 1. Prove some basic lemmas.
Lemma codelen_cons:
  forall i c, codelen (i :: c) = codelen c + 1.

Lemma codelen_app:
  forall c1 c2, codelen (c1 ++ c2) = codelen c1 + codelen c2.

Lemma instr_at_app:
  forall i c2 c1 pc,
  pc = codelen c1 ->
  instr_at (c1 ++ i :: c2) pc = Some i.

Lemma code_at_head:
  forall C pc i C',
  code_at C pc (i :: C') ->
  instr_at C pc = Some i.

Lemma code_at_tail:
  forall C pc i C',
  code_at C pc (i :: C') ->
  code_at C (pc + 1) C'.

Lemma code_at_app_left:
  forall C pc C1 C2,
  code_at C pc (C1 ++ C2) ->
  code_at C pc C1.

Lemma code_at_app_right:
  forall C pc C1 C2,
  code_at C pc (C1 ++ C2) ->
  code_at C (pc + codelen C1) C2.

Lemma code_at_app_right2:
  forall C pc C1 C2 C3,
  code_at C pc (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3) ->
  code_at C (pc + codelen C1) C2.

Lemma code_at_nil:
  forall C pc C1,
  code_at C pc C1 -> code_at C pc nil.

Lemma instr_at_code_at_nil:
  forall C pc i, instr_at C pc = Some i -> code_at C pc nil.

Exercise 2. Prove the correctness of compile_aexp
Hint: Prove this by induction over a.

Lemma compile_aexp_correct:
  forall C s a pc stk,
  code_at C pc (compile_aexp a) ->
  transitions C
       (pc, stk, s)
       (pc + codelen (compile_aexp a), aeval s a :: stk, s).

Exercise 3. Prove the correctness of compile_bexp
Hint: Prove this by induction over b.

Lemma compile_bexp_correct:
  forall C s b d1 d0 pc stk,
  code_at C pc (compile_bexp b d1 d0) ->
  transitions C
       (pc, stk, s)
       (pc + codelen (compile_bexp b d1 d0) + (if beval s b then d1 else d0), stk, s).

Exercise 4. Prove the correctness of compile_com, in the case that it terminates
Hint: Prove this by induction over cexec.

Lemma compile_com_correct_terminating:
  forall s c s',
  cexec s c s' ->
  forall C pc stk,
  code_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
  transitions C
      (pc, stk, s)
      (pc + codelen (compile_com c), stk, s').